Syntax tree traversal

In this lab, we’ll develop a short Python script to traverse miniwdl’s abstract syntax tree (AST) for a WDL document. Our script will identify each instance of an identifier expression naming an Array value, and report the source code location of the value’s original definition.

Begin by installing the miniwdl package with either pip3 or conda, as you prefer. Then start a new Python3 script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import WDL

def main(args):
    doc = WDL.load(args[0] if args else "/dev/stdin")

This prologue loads the WDL document from either a given filename or standard input. Then we call our to-be-shown trace_identifiers() function to traverse the document AST.

def trace_identifiers(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, WDL.Document):
        if obj.workflow:
        for task in obj.tasks:
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Workflow):
        for ch in (obj.inputs or []) + obj.body + (obj.outputs or []):
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Task):
        for ch in (
            (obj.inputs or [])
            + obj.postinputs
            + [obj.command]
            + obj.outputs
            + list(obj.runtime.values())

trace_identifiers recursively descends through the WDL document to find all Array identifier expressions. It begins with the workflow and tasks in the top-level Document object, if any. The Document object may also include imports and struct type definitions, which we won’t use here.

For the workflow, we descend into its body and its input{} and output{} sections, if any. For each task, we descend into all its value declarations, the command template, and any expressions in the runtime section.

    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.WorkflowSection):
        for ch in obj.body:
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Call):
        for rhs in obj.inputs.values():
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Decl):

At the next level, we may need to descend into scatter and if sections within a workflow (which can be nested), the expressions in call inputs, and the expressions in value declarations.

    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Expr.Base):
        for ch in obj.children:

WDL expressions form their own tree structure, e.g. x * size(some_call.file_output, "GB") + 1. Each expression object (derived from WDL.Expr.Base) exposes an iterable children attribute.

    if isinstance(obj, WDL.Expr.Ident) and isinstance(obj.type, WDL.Type.Array):
            f"L{obj.pos.line} Array[{obj.type.item_type}] {}"
            + " defined on "
            + f"L{obj.referee.pos.line}"

if __name__ == "__main__":

At last, we may reach individual identifier expressions (WDL.Expr.Ident), which miniwdl decorates with the referred-to object (”referee”) and data type. Here we check if the data type, represented as an object deriving from WDL.Type.Base, is an array; and if so, we can also get its parametric item_type. Each AST node exposes a pos with the original source code position (line, column, end_line and end_column), which we use to report the identifier and referee line numbers.

The referee object might be any of the following:

  1. Decl for a value declaration
  2. Call for a call output (the identifier is namespaced by the call name)
  3. Scatter for use of a scatter variable
  4. Gather for reference to a value defined inside a scatter/if section

The last case Gather is a concept miniwdl synthesizes to model WDL’s implicit special meaning of a value inside a scatter/if section, when seen from outside of that section. For example, an Int value in a scatter section is an Array[Int] elsewhere. Hence, a tricky detail: the identifier’s obj.type may differ from that of the original value or call output.

Try it out

$ python3 << 'EOF'
    version 1.0
    workflow sum_sq {
        input {
            Int x
        scatter (i in range(x)) {
            Int sq = (i+1)*(i+1)
        call sum {
            input: x = sq
    task sum {
        input {
            Array[Int] x
        command <<<
            awk 'BEGIN {z=0;} {z+=$0;} END {print z;}' "~{write_lines(x)}"
        output {
            Int z = read_int(stdout())
L10 Array[Int] sq defined on L7
L18 Array[Int] x defined on L15

Or on a real workflow:

$ wget
$ python3 joint-discovery-gatk4-local.wdl
L103 Array[File] input_gvcfs defined on L48
L117 Array[String] unpadded_intervals defined on L115
L124 Array[String] sample_names defined on L47
L125 Array[String] unpadded_intervals defined on L115
L127 Array[File] input_gvcfs defined on L48
L128 Array[File] input_gvcfs_indices defined on L49
L138 Array[String] unpadded_intervals defined on L115
L165 Array[File] HardFilterAndMakeSitesOnlyVcf.sites_only_vcf defined on L150
L166 Array[File] HardFilterAndMakeSitesOnlyVcf.sites_only_vcf_index defined on L150
L179 Array[String] indel_recalibration_tranche_values defined on L61
L180 Array[String] indel_recalibration_annotation_values defined on L62
L199 Array[String] snp_recalibration_tranche_values defined on L59
L200 Array[String] snp_recalibration_annotation_values defined on L60
L216 Array[File] HardFilterAndMakeSitesOnlyVcf.sites_only_vcf defined on L150
L219 Array[File] HardFilterAndMakeSitesOnlyVcf.sites_only_vcf defined on L150
L220 Array[File] HardFilterAndMakeSitesOnlyVcf.sites_only_vcf_index defined on L150
L223 Array[String] snp_recalibration_tranche_values defined on L59
L224 Array[String] snp_recalibration_annotation_values defined on L60
L241 Array[File] SNPsVariantRecalibratorScattered.tranches defined on L217
L256 Array[String] snp_recalibration_tranche_values defined on L59
L257 Array[String] snp_recalibration_annotation_values defined on L60
L276 Array[File] HardFilterAndMakeSitesOnlyVcf.variant_filtered_vcf defined on L150
L280 Array[File] HardFilterAndMakeSitesOnlyVcf.variant_filtered_vcf defined on L150
L281 Array[File] HardFilterAndMakeSitesOnlyVcf.variant_filtered_vcf_index defined on L150
L285 Array[File] SNPsVariantRecalibratorScattered.recalibration defined on L217
L285 Array[File] SNPsVariantRecalibratorScattered.recalibration defined on L217
L286 Array[File] SNPsVariantRecalibratorScattered.recalibration_index defined on L217
L286 Array[File] SNPsVariantRecalibratorScattered.recalibration_index defined on L217
L317 Array[File] ApplyRecalibration.recalibrated_vcf defined on L277
L318 Array[File] ApplyRecalibration.recalibrated_vcf_index defined on L277
L344 Array[File?] CollectMetricsSharded.detail_metrics_file defined on L297
L345 Array[File?] CollectMetricsSharded.summary_metrics_file defined on L297
L401 Array[File] input_gvcfs defined on L385
L402 Array[String] sample_names defined on L384
L560 Array[String] recalibration_tranche_values defined on L536
L561 Array[String] recalibration_annotation_values defined on L537
L614 Array[String] recalibration_tranche_values defined on L588
L615 Array[String] recalibration_annotation_values defined on L589
L668 Array[String] recalibration_tranche_values defined on L642
L669 Array[String] recalibration_annotation_values defined on L643
L707 Array[File] input_fofn defined on L693
L794 Array[File] input_vcfs_fofn defined on L777
L868 Array[File] input_details_fofn defined on L852

Complete code listing

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import WDL

def main(args):
    doc = WDL.load(args[0] if args else "/dev/stdin")

def trace_identifiers(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, WDL.Document):
        if obj.workflow:
        for task in obj.tasks:
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Workflow):
        for ch in (obj.inputs or []) + obj.body + (obj.outputs or []):
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Task):
        for ch in (
            (obj.inputs or [])
            + obj.postinputs
            + [obj.command]
            + obj.outputs
            + list(obj.runtime.values())
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.WorkflowSection):
        for ch in obj.body:
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Call):
        for rhs in obj.inputs.values():
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Decl):
    elif isinstance(obj, WDL.Expr.Base):
        for ch in obj.children:

    if isinstance(obj, WDL.Expr.Ident) and isinstance(obj.type, WDL.Type.Array):
            f"L{obj.pos.line} Array[{obj.type.item_type}] {}"
            + " defined on "
            + f"L{obj.referee.pos.line}"

if __name__ == "__main__":